Non-Trafficked, Licensed TantricGfe Playmate
95% of people worldwide choose a McDonald's version of how to experience their sexuality: Quick bite here, very little regard to meaning or taste, hungry an hour later, never satisfied. The other 5% find ME.
Sexy sexpert in a playmates body, with many skills set to rejeuvate you at the end of a stressful day! I'm actually licensed in many body therapies, energy work, KAMAsUTRA sex, Sexual Kung fu and TAnTRA AND in the body of a blonde, 36DD-29-39 playmate!
Whether it's a Tantric sex or diving into Eastern sex practice's like Tantric Tao full body massage, KAmASUTRA , sexual Kung fu, Goddess Yoni pleasuring , erotic hypnosis, sex energy work, date night companionship, nude videos, there's something to surely get your juices flowing! Reviews, specials, nude videos all on my web site and YouTube channel at DakiniGoddess! 🔥🔥
🔥My site🔥
(scroll left upper corner for sections or scroll down for entire gallery! )
💋see my YouTube channel on my site for daily videos, about my sessions, NUDEs etc. 👉🏻👉🏻Videos of me: ?v=RQX27QpHJ1I
🌹For booking, please FIRSt visit my web site as I do NOT discuss things on telephone! Please THEN either Telegram/WhatsApp cell/sms at 703-862-0063 OR
👉🏻👉🏻Listen to latest audio for details, scheduling how to, videos club on my YouTube channel: DakiniDreams! 👙Over 250+ nude solo & co Ed videos available in packages on my sessions page! See the action of my sessions even before meeting! 😉🔥🔥🔥
💋I can't wait to meet soon! 💋
703-862-0063 sms/t e l e gram /WhatsApp or
(571) 354-6560
via email👉🏻👉🏻[email protected]
👉🏻👉🏻👉🏻Some fake phones and 5G rollouts msy not be reaching my phones so try email if you don't hear back! 💋💋💋